The Bald Ibis, also known as the Northern Bald Ibis or Waldrapp, holds a storied place in both natural history and cultural lore. Originating from the regions around the Mediterranean, this distinctive bird species has captured the imagination of people for centuries.

Historically, the Bald Ibis was widespread across North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. However, due to habitat loss, hunting, and other human activities, its range has significantly contracted. Today, the species is critically endangered, with small fragmented populations found in a few select locations.

One notable area where the Bald Ibis has been making a remarkable comeback is in Turkey, particularly in the regions of the Birecik and Diyabakir. Here, conservation efforts have been underway to protect and restore habitats suitable for these iconic birds. One such initiative involves the establishment of specialized farms dedicated to breeding and reintroducing the Bald Ibis into the wild.

These farms serve as sanctuaries and breeding centers, providing a safe haven for the birds to flourish. They often employ innovative techniques to mimic natural conditions, encouraging breeding success and fostering the growth of the population. Additionally, these farms play a crucial role in raising awareness about the plight of the Bald Ibis and the importance of conservation efforts.